Est. 2016 by Kathleen C.A

Situated in Edinburgh, Kathleen is the founder and writer of this tiny space on the internet. Stemming from her lifestyle blog, KA5THLEEN, Kathleen wanted a place where she can share the parts of her life, which otherwise would stay hidden.

Living a life with... is a personal blog that follows the journey of Scottish blogger Kathleen as she opens up about some of the issues she faces that others don't see in hopes to help and support someone else out there who may be going through the same.

Growing up I thought I was going to live a normal life. As I got older I realised I didn't want to live that kind of life, but instead to travel and embrace many cultures whilst being a photographer or writer. Little did I know then that I wouldn't live a 'standard life' in more that one way, but with more baggage, you could say. 

Living a life with... is a place where not only I can essentially vent and give you an insight, but hopefully meet others going through what I am. Even if you aren't experiencing exactly what I am, no matter what you are going through you can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore! Let's focus on the positives, together.

Welcome to my journey, Living a life with... (to be continued).

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